麻生希快播 首发|248㎡极简大平层, 辉煌的不仅是视线
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麻生希快播 首发|248㎡极简大平层, 辉煌的不仅是视线

发布日期:2024-09-06 19:53    点击次数:160

麻生希快播 首发|248㎡极简大平层, 辉煌的不仅是视线





The overall construction extends around the scenery, creating an excellent spatial state that stretches seven meters from the large living room. Different bedrooms have different perspectives on the scenery. Combining the prosperity of the lake and the city, create a unique spatial pattern.


Suya Kitchen uses pure white cabinets to reduce the impact of daily oil fumes. Embedded appliances paired with marble bar counter, extending the artistic temperament of light luxury. The bar counter and dining table form the same horizontal line, and in the black rendering, a romantic beauty is laid out.


Next to the french window, there are black reclining chairs, mixed leather sofas and wood tea tables, to experience the leisure fun in the afternoon.


Using trendy and exquisite light strips, release charming radiance to render privacy spaces.



The high-end luxury space exudes a sense of light luxury everywhere. The layout of the bedroom application suite scheme incorporates multifunctional design and is equipped with shower rooms, changing rooms, work areas, etc., creating a romantic and warm luxury space with a mix of lighting fixtures.


The black suspended wooden storage cabinet is used to expand more storage functions, and the bedside table can easily enjoy the surrounding scenery.


The elegant bathroom is relatively distinctive, with a subtle and exquisite use of stone decoration. Beside the bed is a bathtub, catering to sunlight and outdoor scenery, creating a luxurious and elegant style.


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